1. db2haicu 실행 중 에러 발생

db2haicu –f hadr.xml

(실행 결과)

Welcome to the DB2 High Availability Instance Configuration Utility (db2haicu).

You can find detailed diagnostic information in the DB2 server diagnostic log file called db2diag.log. Also, you can use the utility called db2pd to query the status of the cluster domains you create.

For more information about configuring your clustered environment using db2haicu, see the topic called 'DB2 High Availability Instance Configuration Utility (db2haicu)' in the DB2 Information Center.

db2haicu determined the current DB2 database manager instance is hadr97. The cluster configuration that follows will apply to this instance.

db2haicu is collecting information on your current setup. This step may take some time as db2haicu will need to activate all databases for the instance to discover all paths ...
Creating domain db2hadr in the cluster ...
Creating domain db2hadr in the cluster was successful.
Configuring quorum device for domain db2hadr ...
Configuring quorum device for domain db2hadr was successful.
Adding network interface card eth0 on cluster node cluster1 to the network db2_public_network_0 ...
Adding network interface card eth0 on cluster node cluster1 to the network db2_public_network_0 was successful.
Adding network interface card eth0 on cluster node cluster2 to the network db2_public_network_0 ...
Adding network interface card eth0 on cluster node cluster2 to the network db2_public_network_0 was successful.
Adding network interface card eth1 on cluster node cluster1 to the network db2_private_network_0 ...
Adding network interface card eth1 on cluster node cluster1 to the network db2_private_network_0 was successful.
Adding network interface card eth1 on cluster node cluster2 to the network db2_private_network_0 ...
Adding network interface card eth1 on cluster node cluster2 to the network db2_private_network_0 was successful.
Adding DB2 database partition 0 to the cluster ...                                                                                                <-------- 에러
There was an error with one of the issued cluster manager commands. Refer to db2diag.log and the DB2 Information Center for details.
There was an internal db2haicu error. Refer to db2diag.log and the DB2 Information Center for details.

2. 진단로그 에러 메시지

2011-10-06- I510055E380         LEVEL: Warning
PID     : 6699                 TID  : 47063466929248PROC : db2haicu
INSTANCE: hadr97               NODE : 000
FUNCTION: DB2 Common, SQLHA APIs for DB2 HA Infrastructure, sqlhaGetPolicyTypeFromSysFile, probe:400
MESSAGE : No matching instance record ... setting policy to none
DATA #1 : unsigned integer, 4 bytes

2011-10-06- E514374E546         LEVEL: Severe
PID     : 6699                 TID  : 47063466929248PROC : db2haicu
INSTANCE: hadr97               NODE : 000
FUNCTION: DB2 Common, SQLHA APIs for DB2 HA Infrastructure, handleEndElement, probe:1450
MESSAGE : Failed to create cluster resources for database partition in cluster
DATA #1 : unsigned integer, 4 bytes
DATA #2 : String, 6 bytes
DATA #3 : String, 20 bytes
DATA #4 : unsigned integer, 4 bytes
DATA #5 : Pointer, 8 bytes

2011-10-06- E519870E520         LEVEL: Error
PID     : 11458                TID  : 47790888316000PROC : db2haicu
INSTANCE: hadr97               NODE : 000
FUNCTION: DB2 Common, SQLHA APIs for DB2 HA Infrastructure, sqlhaUICreatePartition, probe:200
RETCODE : ECF=0x90000557=-1879046825=ECF_SQLHA_CLUSTER_ERROR
          Error reported from Cluster
DATA #1 : String, 6 bytes
DATA #2 : String, 20 bytes
DATA #3 : signed integer, 4 bytes
DATA #4 : signed integer, 4 bytes


3. 원인

     hadr.xml의 호스트 명을 잘못 적어서 생긴 문제

(명령어)  vi /etc/hosts  cluster1.localdomain    cluster1  cluster2.localdomain    cluster2


(명령어) vi hadr.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DB2Cluster xmlns:xsi="
http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="db2ha.xsd" clusterManagerName="TSA" version="1.0">
  <ClusterDomain domainName="db2hadr">
     <Quorum quorumDeviceProtocol="network" quorumDeviceName=""/>

     <PhysicalNetwork physicalNetworkName="db2_public_network_0" physicalNetworkProtocol="ip">
      <Interface interfaceName="eth0" clusterNodeName="cluster1">
        <IPAddress baseAddress="" subnetMask="" networkName="db2_public_network_0"/>
      <Interface interfaceName="eth0" clusterNodeName="cluster2">
        <IPAddress baseAddress="" subnetMask="" networkName="db2_public_network_0"/>

      <PhysicalNetwork physicalNetworkName="db2_private_network_0" physicalNetworkProtocol="ip">
      <Interface interfaceName="eth1" clusterNodeName="cluster1">
        <IPAddress baseAddress="" subnetMask="" networkName="db2_private_network_0"/>
      <Interface interfaceName="eth1" clusterNodeName="cluster2">
        <IPAddress baseAddress="" subnetMask="" networkName="db2_private_network_0"/>

     <ClusterNode clusterNodeName="cluster1"/>
     <ClusterNode clusterNodeName="cluster2"/>


4. 해결 방안

   xml 파일의 설정할 때 hostname 명령어를 실행한 결과 값으로 호스트 명을 설정한다.

(명령어) hostname
(결과)  cluster1.localdomain

수정된 xml 파일

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DB2Cluster xmlns:xsi="
http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="db2ha.xsd" clusterManagerName="TSA" version="1.0">
  <ClusterDomain domainName="db2hadr">
     <Quorum quorumDeviceProtocol="network" quorumDeviceName=""/>

     <PhysicalNetwork physicalNetworkName="db2_public_network_0" physicalNetworkProtocol="ip">
      <Interface interfaceName="eth0" clusterNodeName="cluster1.localdomain">
        <IPAddress baseAddress="" subnetMask="" networkName="db2_public_network_0"/>
      <Interface interfaceName="eth0" clusterNodeName="cluster2.localdomain">
        <IPAddress baseAddress="" subnetMask="" networkName="db2_public_network_0"/>

      <PhysicalNetwork physicalNetworkName="db2_private_network_0" physicalNetworkProtocol="ip">
      <Interface interfaceName="eth1" clusterNodeName="cluster1.localdomain">
        <IPAddress baseAddress="" subnetMask="" networkName="db2_private_network_0"/>
      <Interface interfaceName="eth1" clusterNodeName="cluster2.localdomain">
        <IPAddress baseAddress="" subnetMask="" networkName="db2_private_network_0"/>

     <ClusterNode clusterNodeName="cluster1.localdomain"/>
     <ClusterNode clusterNodeName="cluster2.localdomain"/>

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