db2diag 내용 |
2012-03-03- E14513463A757 LEVEL: Error (OS) PID : 1368240 TID : 1 PROC : db2fmp (12081) 0 INSTANCE: db2inst NODE : 000 EDUID : 1 EDUNAME: db2fmp (12081) 0 FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, oper system services, sqloLoadModule, probe:130 CALLED : OS, -, dlopen OSERR : ENOEXEC (8) "Cannot run a file that does not have a valid format." MESSAGE : Attempt to load specified library failed. DATA #1 : Library name or path, 38 bytes /home/db2inst/sqllib/function/ICMNLSSP DATA #2 : shared library load flags, PD_TYPE_LOAD_FLAGS, 4 bytes 2 DATA #3 : String, 120 bytes 0509-022 Cannot load module /home/db2inst/sqllib/function/ICMNLSSP. 0509-103 The module has an invalid magic number.
2012-03-03- E14514221A810 LEVEL: Error (OS) PID : 1368240 TID : 1 PROC : db2fmp (12081) 0 INSTANCE: db2inst NODE : 000 EDUID : 1 EDUNAME: db2fmp (12081) 0 FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, oper system services, sqloLoadModule, probe:140 CALLED : OS, -, dlopen OSERR : ENOEXEC (8) "Cannot run a file that does not have a valid format." MESSAGE : Attempt to load specified library augmented with object name failed. DATA #1 : Library name or path, 48 bytes /home/db2inst/sqllib/function/ICMNLSSP(shr_64.o) DATA #2 : shared library load flags, PD_TYPE_LOAD_FLAGS, 4 bytes 262146 DATA #3 : String, 131 bytes 0509-022 Cannot load module /home/db2inst/sqllib/function/ICMNLSSP(shr_64.o). 0509-152 Member shr_64.o is not found in archive |
원인 |
The stored procedures, ICMNLSSP, ICMNLSUF, and ICMNWFSP, are 32-bit libraries. In a 64-bit environment, DB2® tries first to load them in a 64-bit fenced-mode process. When this attempt fails, DB2 loads them in a 32-bit fenced-mode process. The indication of the initial failure is recorded in db2diag.log.
조치 |
This is normal behavior. Monitor your log file size to make sure that the file system does not fill up because of extra messages. No other action is necessary.
참고 |
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