db2diag 내용


2012-03-03- E14513463A757      LEVEL: Error (OS)

PID     : 1368240              TID  : 1           PROC : db2fmp (12081) 0

INSTANCE: db2inst              NODE : 000

EDUID   : 1                    EDUNAME: db2fmp (12081) 0

FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, oper system services, sqloLoadModule, probe:130

CALLED  : OS, -, dlopen

OSERR   : ENOEXEC (8) "Cannot run a file that does not have a valid format."

MESSAGE : Attempt to load specified library failed.

DATA #1 : Library name or path, 38 bytes


DATA #2 : shared library load flags, PD_TYPE_LOAD_FLAGS, 4 bytes


DATA #3 : String, 120 bytes

0509-022 Cannot load module /home/db2inst/sqllib/function/ICMNLSSP.

0509-103   The module has an invalid magic number.


2012-03-03- E14514221A810      LEVEL: Error (OS)

PID     : 1368240              TID  : 1           PROC : db2fmp (12081) 0

INSTANCE: db2inst              NODE : 000

EDUID   : 1                    EDUNAME: db2fmp (12081) 0

FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, oper system services, sqloLoadModule, probe:140

CALLED  : OS, -, dlopen

OSERR   : ENOEXEC (8) "Cannot run a file that does not have a valid format."

MESSAGE : Attempt to load specified library augmented with object name failed.

DATA #1 : Library name or path, 48 bytes


DATA #2 : shared library load flags, PD_TYPE_LOAD_FLAGS, 4 bytes


DATA #3 : String, 131 bytes

0509-022 Cannot load module /home/db2inst/sqllib/function/ICMNLSSP(shr_64.o).

0509-152   Member shr_64.o is not found in archive



The stored procedures, ICMNLSSP, ICMNLSUF, and ICMNWFSP, are 32-bit libraries. In a 64-bit environment, DB2® tries first to load them in a 64-bit fenced-mode process. When this attempt fails, DB2 loads them in a 32-bit fenced-mode process. The indication of the initial failure is recorded in db2diag.log.




This is normal behavior. Monitor your log file size to make sure that the file system does not fill up because of extra messages. No other action is necessary.







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