HACMP 기본 Cluster Process ( "/etc/inittab" 에 등록되어 있는 프로세스 ) 확인

[root@unix1:/]# ps -ef |grep cluster

    root 168102 196748   0 10:57:39      -  0:00 /usr/es/sbin/cluster/clstrmgr

    root 250032 196748   0 10:57:36      -  0:00 /usr/es/sbin/cluster/clcomd -d


[root@unix2:/]# ps -ef |grep cluster

    root 168102 196748   0 10:57:39      -  0:00 /usr/es/sbin/cluster/clstrmgr

    root 250032 196748   0 10:57:36      -  0:00 /usr/es/sbin/cluster/clcomd -d


 HACMP 서비스 프로세스 상태 확인

[root@unix1:/]# lssrc -g cluster

Subsystem         Group            PID          Status

 clstrmgrES       cluster          205034       활성

 clinfoES         cluster          491562       활성


[root@unix2:/]# lssrc -g cluster

Subsystem         Group            PID          Status

 clstrmgrES       cluster          205034       활성

 clinfoES         cluster          491562       활성



[root@unix1:/]# smitty clstart

                                              Start Cluster Services


입력 필드에 값을 입력하거나 선택하십시오.

원하는 것을 모두 변경한 , Enter 키를 누르십시오.


                                                        [입력 필드]

* Start now, on system restart or both                now                                                      +

  Start Cluster Services on these nodes              [unix1,unix2]                                             +

* Manage Resource Groups                              Automatically                                            +

  BROADCAST message at startup?                       true                                                     +

  Startup Cluster Information Daemon?                 true                                                     +

  Ignore verification errors?                         false                                                    +

  Automatically correct errors found during           Yes                                                      +

  cluster start?


 HACMP 시작완료 확인

[root@unix1:/]# tail -f /tmp/hacmp.out

                        HACMP Event Summary

Event: /usr/es/sbin/cluster/events/check_for_site_up_complete unix2 

Start time: Mon Jul 13 17:27:32 2009


End time: Mon Jul 13 17:27:32 2009


Action:         Resource:                       Script Name:


No resources changed as a result of this event



[root@unix1:/]# ps -ef|grep cluster

    root 225520 163958   0  17:26:20      -  0:00 /usr/es/sbin/cluster/clinfo

    root 233650 163958   0  17:07:34      -  0:00 /usr/es/sbin/cluster/clcomd -d

    root 245932 163958   0  17:07:37      -  0:00 /usr/es/sbin/cluster/clstrmgr

    root 385094 221188   0  17:30:29  pts/0  0:00 grep cluster

    root 479476 163958   0  17:26:11      -  0:00 haemd HACMP 1 cluster1 SECNOSUPPORT

    root 483574 163958   0  17:26:15      -  0:00 harmad -t HACMP -n cluster1


 HACMP 정상 종료

[root@unix1:/]# smitty clstop


                                              Stop Cluster Services


입력 필드에 값을 입력하거나 선택하십시오.

원하는 것을 모두 변경한 , Enter 키를 누르십시오.


                                                        [입력 필드]

* Stop now, on system restart or both                 now                                                      +

  Stop Cluster Services on these nodes               [unix1,unix2]                                             +

  BROADCAST cluster shutdown?                         true                                                     +

* Select an Action on Resource Groups                 Bring Resource Groups Offline                            +


 HACMP 강제 종료 (unix1)

[root@unix1:/]# smitty clstop

                                              Stop Cluster Services


입력 필드에 값을 입력하거나 선택하십시오.

원하는 것을 모두 변경한 , Enter 키를 누르십시오.


                                                        [입력 필드]

* Stop now, on system restart or both                 now                                                      +

  Stop Cluster Services on these nodes               [unix1]                                                   +

  BROADCAST cluster shutdown?                         true                                                     +

* Select an Action on Resource Groups                 Unmanage Resource Groups                                 +


 HACMP 강제 종료 (unix2)

[root@unix1:/]# smitty clstop

                                              Stop Cluster Services


입력 필드에 값을 입력하거나 선택하십시오.

원하는 것을 모두 변경한 , Enter 키를 누르십시오.


                                                        [입력 필드]

* Stop now, on system restart or both                 now                                                      +

  Stop Cluster Services on these nodes               [unix2]                                                   +

  BROADCAST cluster shutdown?                         true                                                     +

* Select an Action on Resource Groups                 Unmanage Resource Groups                                 +


 HACMP Takeover (unix1 à unix2)

[root@unix1:/]# smitty clstop


                                              Stop Cluster Services


입력 필드에 값을 입력하거나 선택하십시오.

원하는 것을 모두 변경한 , Enter 키를 누르십시오.


                                                        [입력 필드]

* Stop now, on system restart or both                 now                                                      +

  Stop Cluster Services on these nodes               [unix1]                                                   +

  BROADCAST cluster shutdown?                         true                                                     +

* Select an Action on Resource Groups                 Move Resource Groups                                     +

 HACMP Takeover (unix2 à unix1)

[root@unix1:/]# smitty clstart

                                              Start Cluster Services


입력 필드에 값을 입력하거나 선택하십시오.

원하는 것을 모두 변경한 , Enter 키를 누르십시오.


                                                        [입력 필드]

* Start now, on system restart or both                now                                                      +

  Start Cluster Services on these nodes              [unix1]                                             +

* Manage Resource Groups                              Automatically                                            +

  BROADCAST message at startup?                       true                                                     +

  Startup Cluster Information Daemon?                 true                                                     +

  Ignore verification errors?                         false                                                    +

  Automatically correct errors found during           Yes                                                      +

  cluster start?  


[root@unix1:/]# smitty hacmp

                                                  HACMP for AIX


원하는 항목으로 커서를 이동시킨 , Enter 키를 누르십시오.


  Initialization and Standard Configuration

  Extended Configuration

  System Management (C-SPOC)

  Problem Determination Tools


[root@unix1:/]# smitty hacmp

                                              Extended Configuration


원하는 항목으로 커서를 이동시킨 , Enter 키를 누르십시오.


  Discover HACMP-related Information from Configured Nodes

  Extended Topology Configuration

  Extended Resource Configuration

  Extended Cluster Service Settings

  Extended Event Configuration

  Extended Performance Tuning Parameters Configuration

  Security and Users Configuration

  Snapshot Configuration

  Export Definition File for Online Planning Worksheets


  Extended Verification and Synchronization

  HACMP Cluster Test Tool


> Resource 정의 <


                                         Extended Resource Configuration


원하는 항목으로 커서를 이동시킨 , Enter 키를 누르십시오.


  HACMP Extended Resources Configuration

  Configure Resource Group Run-Time Policies

  HACMP Extended Resource Group Configuration


                                      HACMP Extended Resources Configuration


원하는 항목으로 커서를 이동시킨 , Enter 키를 누르십시오.


  Configure HACMP Applications Servers

  Configure HACMP Service IP Labels/Addresses

  Configure HACMP Tape Resources

  Configure HACMP Communication Adapters and Links

  Configure Custom Disk Methods

  Configure Custom Volume Methods

  Configure Custom Filesystem Methods

  Customize Resource Group and Resource Recovery

  Configure Resource Distribution Preferences


> Resource Group 정의 <


                                         Extended Resource Configuration


원하는 항목으로 커서를 이동시킨 , Enter 키를 누르십시오.


  HACMP Extended Resources Configuration

  Configure Resource Group Run-Time Policies

  HACMP Extended Resource Group Configuration


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